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HiBob Reimagined: The Story Behind the New Logo and Brand Evolution
HiBob introduces its brand evolution with a new logo reflecting modernity, growth, and innovation while maintaining core values. The redesign emphasizes functionality, flexibility, and fun, addressing previous confusions and strengthening brand identity. This evolution extends beyond the logo to inc
Mar 7, 2024
Deel's Dynamic Rebrand: Charting New Horizons in Global HR Solutions
In the dynamic world of global HR solutions, Deel stands out not only for its rapid expansion but also for its commitment to evolving alongside the changing needs of businesses worldwide. As it approaches its fifth anniversary, Deel has unveiled a significant brand refresh, signaling a new era i
Feb 26, 2024
About Us
DHRmap  is an innovative HR digital media service company headquartered in Dallas, Texas, which provides digital maps for global HR workers and helps HR workers improve their digital skills and management capabilities. By aggregating resources of HR digital companies, products, events, awards,
Oct 6, 2022
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