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[eBook] Uncover How Healthcare Recruiting Can Be Easy!
Nov 28, 2023

Challenges in Healthcare Recruiting:

  1. High Demand and Low Supply: The healthcare industry faces a steep increase in demand for professionals, exacerbated by a significant number of healthcare workers quitting their jobs.
  2. Outdated Recruitment Strategies: Traditional methods like "post and pray" and over-reliance on platforms like LinkedIn are proving inadequate for the dynamic healthcare recruitment landscape.
  3. Diversity Representation: There's a critical need for diverse healthcare professionals who can make healthcare accessible to all, especially in culturally and linguistically diverse countries like the U.S.
  4. Extended Hiring Times: The time required to fill positions has increased, especially for specialized roles like physicians and advanced practice providers.

Solutions by hireEZ:

  1. End-to-End Recruiting Platform: A comprehensive platform to streamline every step of the hiring process.
  2. Diverse Talent Acquisition: Advanced search capabilities for a wider range of healthcare profiles, prioritizing diverse and underrepresented candidates.
  3. Efficient Sourcing and Engagement: Enhanced tools for candidate engagement, including automated email sequences and faster interview scheduling.
  4. Stronger ATS Sync: Improved integration with Applicant Tracking Systems for rediscovering and nurturing talent for future roles.

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