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Founded in 2003, Perceptyx is a data and analysis company using employee surveys and people analytics to provide insight into business operations to drive organizations forward. Perceptyx is headquartered in Temecula, California.
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Predictive HR analytics is a tech tool that HR uses to analyze past and present data to forecast future outcomes. Predictive HR analytics digitally digs through data to extract, dissect, and categorize information and then identify patterns, irregularities, and correlations.
The Leading Experience Management Software, you can Learn how you can deliver exceptional frontline experiences, build high-performing teams and create products people love with Qualtrics XM.
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Relative Insight delivers AI-powered text analysis to help brands and agencies generate customer, target audience and competitor intelligence from words. The platform delivers an efficient and scalable solution for uncovering actionable insights from survey open-ends, reviews, customer service transcripts and online conversations.
Sisense goes beyond traditional business intelligence by providing organizations with the ability to infuse analytics everywhere, embedded in both customer and employee applications and workflows. Sisense customers are breaking through the barriers of analytics adoption by going beyond the dashboard with Sisense Fusion – the highly customisable, AI-driven analytics cloud platform, that infuses intelligence at the right place and the right time, every time.
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SplashBI helps organizations make the very best business decisions by providing instant access to data from disparate systems in the form of reports, visualizations, & trends. The SplashBI solution is available in the cloud or on-premise and easily accessible via mobile devices. From HR People Analytics to Finance, Month End & Year End Reporting, to Sales & Marketing Trends / Dashboards, and much more, SplashBI offers insightful pre-built content, powerful ad-hoc reporting, and in-depth dashboards, for immediate ROI. Finally, SplashBI’s data models allow for fast-track-low-cost implementations.
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Tableau was founded in 2003 as a result of a computer science project at Stanford that aimed to improve the flow of analysis and make data more accessible to people through visualization.
Teamflect is an HR analysis tool that allows you to see where your team is excelling and where they need improvement. You can export the reports to your computer in ‘xlsx’ or "csv" formats or print these reports as physical copies.
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