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Founded by Marlon Rosenzweig and Daniel Barke in Hamburg, Germany, and now headquartered in New York City, WorkGenius has rapidly expanded its global presence, marked by successful acquisitions of JBC and AgencyWorX in the US. Bryan Zaslow, founder of JBC, joined the management team as President of WorkGenius Group. Now, with the addition of Expertlead, WorkGenius continues to build on its momentum to become a global leader in the freelance platform industry.
Expertlead was founded in 2018 by Alexander Schlomberg and Arne Hosemann. During their consulting jobs at McKinsey & Bain they experienced that finding great tech freelancers still remains one of the biggest pain points for companies. At the same time, they noticed that the unsatisfactory experiences tech experts had with recruiters and staffing agencies turn them away from otherwise interesting jobs and opportunities. Driven by the purpose to significantly change outdated tech hiring processes, Alex and Arne started building a community for freelance tech experts together with CTO Moath Almallahi and a growing team of passionate tech enthusiasts.
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